powbab Got Vegucated!

Vegan?  Well, if you have made the leap, veganists and vegetarians should know about baobab fruit and our powbab superfruit vegan chews!  Baobab fruit is an awesome source of antioxidants and knocks the socks off in terms of nutrition profile for vegan eaters!  Baobab has more calcium than milk and has more iron than red meat!  Baobab also has way more fiber than a banana.  We have graphs to prove it :) .

powbab loves all vegans and has become a sponsor and ally of Vegucated!  Check us out on their ally page.  Vegucated, a movie, is about Three People. Six Weeks. One Challenge.  Check them out!


Part sociological experiment and part adventure comedy, Vegucated follows three meat- and cheese-loving New Yorkers who agree to adopt a vegan diet for six weeks. Lured by tales of weight lost and health regained, they begin to uncover the hidden sides of animal agriculture that make them wonder whether solutions offered in films like Food, Inc. go far enough. This entertaining documentary showcases the rapid and at times comedic evolution of three people who discover they can change the world one bite at a time.


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