Baobab Kale Stalk Smoothie

Baobab Kale Stalk Smoothie

We usually use kale leaves only and throw out the kale stalks, but the stalks look so good and what a waste always throwing them away.  Here's a great way to use kale stalks!

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Homemade Baobab Smoothie Pouches

Homemade Baobab Smoothie Pouches

These homemade smoothie pouches will help get extra nutrients and fruit blends into your kids for rough flu seasons or changing temperatures.

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Baobab Avocado Toast

Baobab Avocado Toast

Supreme breakfast 🥑🍅🥑🍅🍞 with this Baobab Avocado Toast and a side of scrambled eggs 🍳

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Sweet Baobab Smoothie

Sweet Baobab Smoothie

Make smoothies...with a sweet POW💥!

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Baobab Tea Smoothie

Baobab Tea Smoothie

Get revved up with this amazing smoothie with powbab baobab powder.

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Puffy Baobab Smoothie Bowl

Puffy Baobab Smoothie Bowl

Puffy💨 powbab bowl of smoothie. Blend🌪 together spoonful of organic powbab baobab powder with so many other great ingredients.

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Baobab Smoothie Stripes

Baobab Smoothie Stripes

Food can be fun and tasty with stripes, and we always appreciate more inspiration, so share with us too! 🤗

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Baobab Fudgy Paleo Brownies

Baobab Fudgy Paleo Brownies

These baobab fudgy brownies are sweetened by pitted medjool dates that will keep paleo eaters happy and sweet tooth satisfied.

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Baobab Oatmeal + Smoothie Combo

Baobab Oatmeal + Smoothie Combo

ALL in one. 🍦Baobab Smoothie with layers of oatmeal.

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Berry Bright Baobab Smoothie✨

Berry Bright Baobab Smoothie✨

Berry Bright Baobab Smoothie✨.  Wishing you a bright and glorious day today!

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Beauty Baobab Bowl

Beauty Baobab Bowl

Beauty in a bowl 💗 to add extra antioxidants and electrolytes to your body.

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Blueberry Baobab Pancakes

Blueberry Baobab Pancakes

Pancakes that kept us so full in the morning because of all the fiber and omegas!

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