• How to Use the Baobab Tree

Amazingly, all parts of the tree and fruit can be utilized in some way. The trunks are often hollowed out by people who use them for shelter, grain storage, or as water reservoirs. The hollowed trunks even can serve as burial sites. The bark of the tree contains a fiber that is used to make fishnets, rope, sacks, roofing and clothing. The leaves of the baobab can be used as a vegetable. The fruit and the seeds are extremely valuable. The baobab fruit pulp can be mixed with water, making a beverage that tastes similar to lemonade. The seeds can be roasted or cold pressed into an oil for cosmetic use. Other products such as soap, necklaces, glue, rubber, medicine and cloth can be produced from different parts of the baobab tree.


Read more from our blog:

What does Baobab Fruit Taste Like?

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