How the morning ☀️ started with a blueberry powbab baobab smoothie topped with chocolate granola, fresh mangoes and raspberries from our garden! powbab baobab powder for fiber boost and electrolytes 💫. This smoothie is great for warmer climates. When you see below ingredients, had a lot of stuff going on here, but was good 😊 and healthy!! Be healthy, go powbab!
2 teaspoons of powbab® organic baobab superfruit powder
2 teaspoons of powbab® wild blueberry powder
Half a plum
Half peach 🍑
Frozen blueberries
Frozen strawberries 🍓
Frozen grapes 🍇
2 kale leaves🍃
Pineapple chunks 🍍
Handful of raspberries
Scoop of almond butter
Nut milk 🥛
Mango chunks
Chocolate granola
Blend together ingredients for smoothie base. Add toppings, serve and enjoy!