Nut 🥜 buttery baobab smoothie is a yummy treat! *POW* breakfast ready and featured here with oatmeal splitting the smoothies seas, topped with granola and a dab of peanut butter. So much yum, and used lots of fruits 🍎🍊🍇🍍🥝 + collard greens for this smoothie, and of course powbab organic baobab powder. How are you doing today? Keep on, stay the path and be an independent thinker. Carpe diem‼️
2 teaspoons of powbab® organic baobab superfruit powder
Apple 🍎
Orange 🍊
Grapes 🍇
Pineapple 🍍
Kiwi 🥝
Collard greens
Lots of nut butter
Chocolate granola
More nut butter (extra smooth peanut butter from New Zealand pictured here)
Cooked oatmeal
Blend together ingredients for smoothie base. When assembling, place first cooked oatmeal into the bowl. Then add smoothie base. Last, top with granola and nut butter. Serve and enjoy!